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Replit is an online IDE and hosting platform for web apps written in any language. Their free tier allows running any number of apps with some performance limitations.

To run your app on Replit:

  • Sign up on Replit.

  • Click "New Repl" button, select "Python" template and type the name of your repl, e.g. my-flet-app. Alternatively, go to Flet template page and click Use Template button. Flet template has everything configured for you, so you can jump to and update your program right away.

  • On "Files" pane click button and then "Show hidden files":

  • Open .replit file on the left, scroll to [packager.features] section and set guessImports to false:

  • On "Tools" pane click "Packages" and search for flet package and click "Install" button.

  • Open on "Files" pane and copy-paste your app.

  • Modify call to and include view=ft.WEB_BROWSER parameter:, view=ft.WEB_BROWSER)
  • Run the app. Enjoy.