

A control that detects gestures.

Attempts to recognize gestures that correspond to its non-null callbacks.

If this control has a content, it defers to that child control for its sizing behavior. If it does not have a content, it grows to fit the parent instead.


Live example

Solitare game tutorial

Draggable containers

The following example demonstrates how a control can be freely dragged inside a Stack.

The sample also shows that GestureDetector can have a child control (blue container) as well as be nested inside another control (yellow container) giving the same results.

import flet as ft

def main(page: ft.Page):
def on_pan_update1(e: ft.DragUpdateEvent):
c.top = max(0, c.top + e.delta_y)
c.left = max(0, c.left + e.delta_x)

def on_pan_update2(e: ft.DragUpdateEvent):
e.control.top = max(0, e.control.top + e.delta_y)
e.control.left = max(0, e.control.left + e.delta_x)

gd = ft.GestureDetector(

c = ft.Container(gd, bgcolor=ft.colors.AMBER, width=50, height=50, left=0, top=0)

gd1 = ft.GestureDetector(
content=ft.Container(bgcolor=ft.colors.BLUE, width=50, height=50),

page.add( ft.Stack([c, gd1], width=1000, height=500))




A child Control contained by the gesture detector.


The mouse cursor for mouse pointers that are hovering over the control. Possible values of MouseCursor enum:

  • CELL
  • COPY
  • GRAB
  • HELP
  • MOVE
  • NONE
  • TEXT
  • WAIT


Throttling in milliseconds for horizontal drag, vertical drag and pan update events. When a user moves a pointer a lot of events are being generated to do precise tracking. drag_interval allows sending drag update events to a Flet program every X milliseconds, thus preserving the bandwidth (web and mobile apps). Default is 0 - no throttling, all events are sent to a Flet program, very smooth tracking.


Throttling in milliseconds for on_hover event.



The minimum number of pointers to trigger on_multi_tap event.


The user has tapped the screen with a primary button at the same location twice in quick succession.


A pointer that might cause a double tap has contacted the screen at a particular location.

Triggered immediately after the down event of the second tap.

Event handler argument is an instance of TapEvent class.


Triggered when a mouse pointer has entered this control.

Event handler argument is an instance of HoverEvent class.


Triggered when a mouse pointer has exited this control.

Event handler argument is an instance of HoverEvent class.


A pointer that was previously in contact with the screen with a primary button and moving horizontally is no longer in contact with the screen and was moving at a specific velocity when it stopped contacting the screen.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragEndEvent class with the following properties:

  • primary_velocity - the velocity the pointer was moving along the primary axis when it stopped contacting the screen, in logical pixels per second.
  • velocity_x - x component of the pointer's velocity when it stopped contacting the screen.
  • velocity_y - y component of the pointer's velocity when it stopped contacting the screen.


A pointer has contacted the screen with a primary button and has begun to move horizontally.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragStartEvent class with the following properties:

  • local_x - x component of the local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • local_y - y component of the local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_x - x component of the global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_y - y component of the global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • timestamp - Recorded timestamp of the source pointer event that triggered the drag event.


A pointer that is in contact with the screen with a primary button and moving horizontally has moved in the horizontal direction.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragUpdateEvent class with the following properties:

  • delta_x - x component of the amount the pointer has moved in the coordinate space of the event receiver since the previous update.
  • delta_y - y component of the amount the pointer has moved in the coordinate space of the event receiver since the previous update.
  • local_x - x component of the local position in the coordinate system of the event receiver at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • local_y - y component of the local position in the coordinate system of the event receiver at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_x - x component of the pointer's global position when it triggered this update.
  • global_y - y component of the pointer's global position when it triggered this update.
  • primary_delta - the amount the pointer has moved along the primary axis in the coordinate space of the event receiver since the previous update.
  • timestamp - recorded timestamp of the source pointer event that triggered the drag event.


Triggered when a mouse pointer has entered this control.

Event handler argument is an instance of HoverEvent class with the following properties:

  • local_x - x component of the local position of the pointer.
  • local_y - y component of the local position of the pointer.
  • global_x - x component of the global position of the pointer.
  • global_y - y component of the global position of the pointer.
  • delta_x - x component of the distance in logical pixels that the pointer moved since the last hover event.
  • delta_x - y component of the distance in logical pixels that the pointer moved since the last hover event.
  • timestamp - event's timestamp.


A pointer that has triggered a long-press with a primary button has stopped contacting the screen.

Event handler argument is an instance of LongPressEndEvent class with the following properties:

  • local_x - x component of the local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • local_y - y component of the local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_x - x component of the global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_y - y component of the global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • velocity_x - x component of the pointer's velocity when it stopped contacting the screen.
  • velocity_y - y component of the pointer's velocity when it stopped contacting the screen.


Called when a long press gesture with a primary button has been recognized.

Triggered when a pointer has remained in contact with the screen at the same location for a long period of time.

Event handler argument is an instance of LongPressStartEvent class with the following properties:

  • local_x - x component of the local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • local_y - y component of the local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_x - x component of the global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_y - y component of the global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.


A pointer that was previously in contact with the screen with a primary button and moving is no longer in contact with the screen and was moving at a specific velocity when it stopped contacting the screen.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragEndEvent class.


A pointer has contacted the screen with a primary button and has begun to move.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragStartEvent class.


A pointer that is in contact with the screen with a primary button and moving has moved again.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragUpdateEvent class.


Event handler argument is an instance of ScaleEndEvent class with the following properties:

  • pointer_count - the number of pointers being tracked by the gesture recognizer.
  • velocity_x - x component of the velocity of the last pointer to be lifted off of the screen.
  • velocity_y - y component of the velocity of the last pointer to be lifted off of the screen.


The pointers in contact with the screen have established a focal point and initial scale of 1.0.

Event handler argument is an instance of ScaleStartEvent class with the following properties:

  • focal_point_x - x component of the initial focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • focal_point_y - y component of the initial focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • local_focal_point_x - x component of the initial focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • local_focal_point_y - y component of the initial focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • pointer_count - the number of pointers being tracked by the gesture recognizer.


Event handler argument is an instance of ScaleUpdateEvent class with the following properties:

  • focal_point_x - x component of the focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • focal_point_y - y component of the focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • focal_point_delta_x - x component of the amount the gesture's focal point has moved in the coordinate space of the event receiver since the previous update.
  • focal_point_delta_y - y component of the amount the gesture's focal point has moved in the coordinate space of the event receiver since the previous update.
  • local_focal_point_x - x component of the focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • local_focal_point_y - y component of the focal point of the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • pointer_count - the number of pointers being tracked by the gesture recognizer.
  • horizontal_scale - the scale implied by the average distance along the horizontal axis between the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • vertical_scale - the scale implied by the average distance along the vertical axis between the pointers in contact with the screen.
  • scale - the scale implied by the average distance between the pointers in contact with the screen.


A pointer that has triggered a long-press with a secondary button has stopped contacting the screen.

Event handler argument is an instance of LongPressEndEvent class.


Called when a long press gesture with a secondary button has been recognized.

Triggered when a pointer has remained in contact with the screen at the same location for a long period of time.

Event handler argument is an instance of LongPressStartEvent class.


A tap with a secondary button has occurred.


A pointer that might cause a tap with a secondary button has contacted the screen at a particular location.

Event handler argument is an instance of TapEvent class.


A pointer that will trigger a tap with a secondary button has stopped contacting the screen at a particular location.

Event handler argument is an instance of TapEvent class.


A tap with a primary button has occurred.


A pointer that might cause a tap with a primary button has contacted the screen at a particular location.

Event handler argument is an instance of TapEvent class with the following properties:

  • local_x - x component of the local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • local_y - y component of the local position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_x - x component of the global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • global_y - y component of the global position at which the pointer contacted the screen.
  • kind - The kind of the device that initiated the event.


A pointer that will trigger a tap with a primary button has stopped contacting the screen at a particular location.

Event handler argument is an instance of TapEvent class.


A pointer that was previously in contact with the screen with a primary button and moving vertically is no longer in contact with the screen and was moving at a specific velocity when it stopped contacting the screen.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragEndEvent class.


A pointer has contacted the screen with a primary button and has begun to move vertically.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragStartEvent class.


A pointer that is in contact with the screen with a primary button and moving vertically has moved in the vertical direction.

Event handler argument is an instance of DragUpdateEvent class.


Called when a long press gesture with multiple pointers has been recognized.


Triggered when multiple pointers contacted the screen.

Event handler argument is an instance of MultiTapEvent class with the following properties:

  • correct_touches - True a multi_tap_touches number of pointers touched the screen; otherwise False.


Event handler argument is an instance of ScrollEvent class with the following properties:

  • local_x - x component of the local position of the pointer.
  • local_y - y component of the local position of the pointer.
  • global_x - x component of the global position of the pointer.
  • global_y - y component of the global position of the pointer.
  • scroll_delta_x - x component of the the amount to scroll, in logical pixels.
  • scroll_delta_y - y component of the the amount to scroll, in logical pixels.