📄️ Page
Page is a container for View controls.
📄️ View
View is the top most container for all other controls.
📄️ Container
Container allows to decorate a control with background color and border and position it with padding, margin and alignment.
📄️ Row
A control that displays its children in a horizontal array.
📄️ Column
A control that displays its children in a vertical array.
📄️ Stack
A control that positions its children on top of each other.
📄️ ListView
A scrollable list of controls arranged linearly.
📄️ ListTile
A single fixed-height row that typically contains some text as well as a leading or trailing icon.
📄️ GridView
A scrollable, 2D array of controls.
📄️ ResponsiveRow
ResponsiveRow borrows the idea of grid layout from Bootstrap web framework.
📄️ DataTable
A Material Design data table.
📄️ Tabs
The Tabs control is used for navigating frequently accessed, distinct content categories. Tabs allow for navigation between two or more content views and relies on text headers to articulate the different sections of content.
📄️ Card
A material design card: a panel with slightly rounded corners and an elevation shadow.
📄️ Divider
A thin horizontal line, with padding on either side.
📄️ VerticalDivider
A thin vertical line, with padding on either side.